Invoice Automation for Infor SunSystems
Enhancement Request
Requests for enhancements / changes / improvements are actively encouraged, the more that are received, the better the solution becomes for all users.
A request falls into two main categories:
- Enhancement
Taking something present in the standard solution that could be improved to better address your day to day requirements.
For example: "I use DbCapture and would like to add an extra 2 fields to the profile"
- New Feature
Adding to the standard solution new capability
For example: "I want to add a new table to the archive for use with Invoice Automation"
Click here (227kb / *.docm) to download the Enhancement Request Form
Click here to email our Infor SunAccounts Professional Services team adding your completed form as an attachment.
NOTE: The form is in word format (.docm) and contains macros, these are used to allow tick box selection so must be enabled.
If this is not permitted in your version, please use the details boxes.
NOTE: Please do not email individuals at V1 with your enhancements, the above email address is monitoried and your requests for enhancments logged accordingly.