EDM for Sage X3 (R13)

Downloads > Patch 3

Thanks to the generous feedback from Sage, our Customers and Partners, Patch 3 is the third major update and features bug fixes to EDD, enhancements to PIA but the signifcant update is the ability to translate the software. As per previous patches, consolidated into a simple, step by step incremental update.

  • Consult the Release Note to learn what fixes are present in Patch 3
  • As a Customer / Partner learn how to install Patch 3, it only takes a few minutes

Click here for the EDM for Sage X3 (R13) Patch 3 Release Note

Click here to download Patch 3 then choose how you want to apply it below:

New Install of R13

If you are performing a fresh install of R13 on a new server, choose either of the following options to merge all the patches and hotfixes so you can install everything in one go.

  • Option 1 - Automatic Merging

Click here to download the merge edm executable to automatically combine R13 with all patches and hotfixes.

NOTE: The Automatic merge facility is based on Powershell and needs Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned set. If your security prevents this, choose option 2.

  • Option 2 - Manual Merging

Updating a previous installation of R13

Click here for the R13 Patch 3 step-by-step Installation Guide


  • Q: If I've already applied the hotfixes, do I still need to apply Patch 3?
  • A: Yes. Patch 3 consolidates all the previous hotfixes plus numerous other incremental updates.

  • Q: Do I need new licences for Patch 3?
  • A: No. As a pre-requisites of Patch 3 is Patch 2 which did introduce new licencing variances, Patch 3 does not need anything new.