EDM for Sage X3 (R13)
Downloads > Styling
Sage X3 V12 introduces a new colour scheme to the user interface, moving away from green to a blue and grey look and feel. EDM for Sage X3 now includes a Style Pack to better fit this new interface.
To be applied on each PC using the day to day clients such as DbCapture Admin and DbLogin Admin, they have been re-styled to adopt the same look and feel as Sage X3.
Click here to see a sample
Click here to download the V12 Client Style Pack
Click here to view the instructions on how to apply it
To be applied on the server where the EDM software has been installed, the V1 SmartSuite, the day to day web interface for depositing and retrieving documents, has been re-styled to adopt the same look and feel as Sage X3.
Click here to see a sample
Click here to download the V12 SmartSuite Style Pack
Click here to view the instructions on how to apply it